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Success Stories


Implementing lifesaving technology in Senegal

RigiTech and PATH implement life saving technology operated locally to support medicine, vaccine and laboratory sample delivery Foundiougne, Senegal, March 2021: The international NGO PATH and the

Laying Foundations for On-demand Healthcare

RigiTech, in collaboration with Rocketmine, one of the largest and most experienced drone operators in Africa, has laid the foundations for on-demand healthcare logistics in

RigiTech at Aveiro

Transforming the healthcare sector with aerial logistics solutions RigiTech keeps flying high. We are proud to have been part of Portugal’s first urban medical drone

RigiTech drone delivery logistics medical drone transport software

We have made history

RigiTech, in collaboration with Leonardo one of the European Main Players in the airspace market and Telespazio a Leonardo and Thales owned company, have made

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